Bamboo Craftsmanship
Craftsmen who make bamboo products are called bamboo weavers. They use bamboo to make furniture and other household items. Those who make bamboo furniture such as chairs, beds and racks are generally called bamboo craftsmen (竹匠), while those who weave bamboo baskets and mats are called mat weavers (篾匠).
These photos were taken in Xinghua (興化) in Jiangzu Province in March 2010. They showcase the process of making bamboo artefacts and the working environment of mat weaver craftsmen. The master craftsman’s skills in weaving baskets, sieve, and in splitting bamboo are outstanding, giving a unique style to the finished products.
Source: Pan Wenlong (潘文龍) and Gong Wei (龔為), Old Trades of Jiangsu: A Glimpse《江蘇老行當百業寫真》, Phoenix Education Publishing Company, 2018. Permission to use the photos has been obtained.