John D. Wong, ‘”Made in Hong Kong”: Deriving value from the place-of-origin label, 1950s and now’, Modern Asian Studies, 2023, 1-23.

Max Hirsh and Till Mostowlansky (eds), Infrastructure and the Remaking of Asia, University of Hawaii Press, forthcoming in January 2023.

Can Huang & Naubahar Sharif, “Intellectual Property Rights Protection”, in Xiaolan Fu, Chen Jin, Bruce McKern (eds), Oxford Handbook of China Innovation, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021, Part IV. 4.5.

Naubahar Sharif and Kevin Chandra, “A Comparative Analysis of Innovation Policies in Hong Kong and Shenzhen Within the Greater Bay Area Initiative”, Science and Public Policy, 2021 September.

John D. Wong, ‘Making Vitasoy “Local” in Post-World War II Hong Kong: Traditionalizing Modernity, Engineering Progress, Nurturing Aspirations’, Business History Review, 2021, 95 (2), pp. 275-300.

Xiaomeng Liu, “A Brief History of Chinese Vaccination Campaigns”, Sixth Tone, May 20, 2021.

Naubahar Sharif, Kevin Chandra, Athar Mansoor, Kirti Bhasin Sinha, “A Comparative Analysis of Research and Development Spending and Total Factor Productivity Growth in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Singapore”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Volume 57, 2021, pp. 108-120.

Eric C. Rath, “Technology and Taste in East Asia: An Introduction”, Gastronomica 1 November 2020; 20 (4): pp. 51-52.

Kyoungjin Bae, “Taste as Governor: Soy Sauce in Late Chosŏn and Colonial Korea”, Gastronomica 1 November 2020; 20 (4): pp. 53-63.

Lan A. Li, “Numbing Aesthetics: Taste and Tempers of Peppercorn / Mountain Pepper / Sanshō”, Gastronomica 1 November 2020; 20 (4): pp. 64-74.

Eric C. Rath “Technologies of Taste: Restaurant Guides, Diners, and Dining Halls in Interwar Tokyo”, Gastronomica 1 November 2020; 20 (4): pp. 75-85.

Max Hirsh, Angela Ki Che Leung, Izumi Nakayama, “Infrastructure, Modernity, and the Technologies of Everyday Life: Insights from a Collaborative Research Project on the Making of Modern East Asia”, in East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal, 2020, 14 (3): pp. 507-521.

Angela Ki Che Leung, “Chinese state and society in epidemic governance: A historical perspective”, Centaurus. Volume 62, Issue 2, pp. 257-262, 2020.

Jack Linzhou Xing and Naubahar Sharif, “From creative destruction to creative appropriation: A comprehensive framework”, Research Policy, Volume 49, Issue 7, September 2020.

Suzanne Gottschang, “Reproductive Modernities in Policy: Maternal Mortality, Midwives, and Cesarean Sections in China, 1900s–2000s”, Technology and Culture, vol. 61 no. 2, 2020, pp. 617-644.

Chaoxiong Zhang & Priscilla Song, “Translating Guān’ài in the People’s War on Drugs: Enacting Relations of Care in China’s State-Run Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program”, East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal, 14:1,2020, pp. 85-108.

Angela Ki Che Leung & Melissa Caldwell (eds.), Moral Foods: The Construction of Nutrition and Health in Modern Asia, University of Hawai’i Press, 2019, 360 pages.
Open Access

Naubahar Sharif and Jack Linzhou Xing, “Restricted Generalizability of City Innovation Policies: The Case of E-hailing in China”, Science and Public Policy, 2019, pp 1-15.

Naubahar Sharif & Yu Huang (eds.), Innovation and Work in East Asia, Special Issue of Science, Technology and Society, Volume 24, Issue 2, July 2019.
Table of Contents

Naubahar Sharif & Yu Huang, “Industrial Automation in China’s ‘Workshop of the World’,” The China Journal, no. 81 (January 2019): pp. 1-22.

Izumi Nakayama, “Shifting Mores, Stagnant Laws: Fertility Politics in East Asia,” AsiaGlobal Online, May 31, 2018.

Robert Peckham & Ria Sinha, “Anarchitectures of health: Futures for the Biomedical Drone,” Global Public Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, online published on November 15, 2018.

Angela Ki Che Leung & Izumi Nakayama (eds.), Gender, Health, and History in Modern East Asia, Hong Kong University Press, 2017, 328 pages.

Angela Ki Che Leung, “Weak Men and Barren Women: Framing Beriberi / Jiaoqi / Kakkéin Modern East Asia, ca. 1830–1940”, in Angela Ki Che Leung & Izumi Nakayama (eds.), Gender, Health, and History in Modern East Asia, Hong Kong University Press, 2017, pp. 195-215.

Izumi Nakayama, “Gender, Health, and the Problem of ‘Precocious Puberty’ in Meiji Japan”, in Angela Ki Che Leung & Izumi Nakayama (eds.) Gender, Health, and History in Modern East Asia, Hong Kong University Press, 2017, pp. 37-60.