Feather Duster
A feather duster is a tool used for cleaning or dusting, typically consisting of a cluster of poultry feathers or fibers attached at the end of a long handle in rattan. …
A feather duster is a tool used for cleaning or dusting, typically consisting of a cluster of poultry feathers or fibers attached at the end of a long handle in rattan. …
Woodcarvers are a subset of carpenters, also known as carpenters of details. …
Tofu (bean curd), a popular East Asian food now becoming a global food, originated in China in the early imperial period. …
Tofu (bean curd), a popular East Asian food now becoming a global food, originated in China in the early imperial period. …
The purple clay used to make Yixing teapots is from Yixing (宜興) county. …
The “Seven Necessities in Daily Life” (開門七件事) are firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy condiments, vinegar, and tea (柴、米、油、鹽、醬、醋、茶). …
Banyao (banyao) Kites (板鷂風箏)
The banyao kite is a traditional kite, also known as the “board kite” (板箏) due to its flat, rectangular shape; yao means “birds of prey”. …
The history of making sugar in China is long, and the art of making candy figurines (捏糖人) was first recorded in the Song Dynasty. …
Da caoxie (打草鞋) is a type of sandal-making designed for walking on rough terrain. Its manufacturing process is simple requiring hemp ropes and a bundle of straw. …
A cooper (箍桶匠), also known as a wooden barrel carpenter, is a craftsman specialized in making and repairing wooden barrels or wooden tubs for various purposes. …